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Exercise & Diet for Weight loss Over 35 for both Men and Women

While you might have been able to eat whatever you wanted in your teens and 20s without gaining an ounce, those days are often long-gone by the time you hit 35. Aging slowly depletes your body's muscle tissue, which slows your metabolism, and, in turn, causes that all-too-familiar weight gain as you progress through adulthood. Gaining weight doesn't have to be an unavoidable part of aging, though lifestyle modifications can help you shed those excess pounds and avoid weight-related disease risk as you age.

How Much Calorie you Should Eat After Age 35

No matter what your age, you'll need to eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight. However, since your metabolism generally slows down as you get older, your calorie needs change as you age, and the calorie intake that prompted weight loss in your 20s might not work after age 35.
To lose weight, subtract 500 calories from your daily calorie needs to lose one pound weekly; in this case, that 37-year-old woman would eat 1,435 calories daily to shed one pound a week. Resist the urge to cut calories too low, since any fewer than 1,400 calories per day can slow down your metabolism. Remember -- your weight likely crept up gradually over a period of years, so it will take months or even more than a year to lose it.

1. Yoga

As we all know that yoga helps to calm the mind but it also helps in different ways than you think. This can help you lose weight and stay in shape. 
If you compare yoga with any other power workouts so you’ll figure it out that yoga burns lesser calories than workouts but some yoga’s cause you more sweat than other workout if you this in discipline & dedication. 

yoga for weight loss over 35

2. Walking

It’s a easiest way to burn out the fat without getting tired or buying a costly machines, it does not cause pain in your body. 
If you're new to regular exercise and physical activity, you may need to start out with short walks and gradually build up to more moderate or vigorous intensity. The more you walk and the quicker your pace, the more calories you'll burn. 

Best Exercises for Weight Loss over 35

3. Skipping

Jumping rope is a great cardio exercise as well as full-body workout it helps to burn calories, and at the same time, also helps to temporarily increase your heart rate, which is known to strengthen your heart, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Since jumping rope also helps reduce weight and risk of obesity. 

Best Exercises for Weight Loss over 35

The above exercises can do do both men and women now I'm gonna tell you which exercises can  a women do list of these types of exercises are:-

1. Diagonal Dumbbell Lunge Curl

Diagonal Dumbbell Lunge Curl for weight loss after 35

Sets: 3 • Reps: 8 • Rest: 1 minute

Stand with tight abs, shoulders back, and arms at your sides holding dumbbells. Inhale. Move your right leg and take a crossway step forward to your right, moving your foot flat on the floor. Allow your left knee to bend a little foot for rotation. Bend your right knee for about 90 degrees, making sure that the knee is directly over the foot. Keep your left knee just right on the floor, and your torso upright as your left heels come upward.

Exhale and push the floor with your right leg. Then return to the starting position and perform a biceps curl. Repeat it with leading with your left leg again.

2. Push up

push ups for weight loss after 35

Sets: 3 • Reps: 8 • Rest: 1 minute

Lying facing ground, place your palms on the floor parallel to your shoulders. Bend your elbows to make upper arms are against the ground. With your legs hip-width apart, coil your toes under and press the balls of your feet down. Squeeze your abs and glutes. Inhale & hold the breath. While exhaling, move your entire body up till the elbows become straight. Inhale as you gently lower your body until your forearms are parallel to the floor.

3. Chin-up

Chin-ups for weight loss over 35

Sets: 3 • Reps: 8 • Rest: 1 minute

Move to hold the chin-up bar with an underhand grip. Also, laying out hands wider than your shoulders. Began from a full hanging position to work the back muscles through their full range of motion. Arch your back little and pull your body up, trying to touch your chest to the bar. Slowly lower yourself back to hanging.

4. Push Press

Push Press for weight loss over 35

Sets: 3 • Reps: 8 • Rest: 1 minute

From a straight posture, grab a barbell using an overhand grip with hands slowly wider than your shoulders and elbows pointing towards the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold through the lift. The bar should rest in hyperextended hands (pointing toward your body) about at your clavicle. Inhale. Bend your knees a little bit and hold your hips and back straight to go down only 3 to 4 inches into a quarter-squats. From this quarter-squat, exhale and explosively extend your knees and hips. Use this impetus to drive the bar overhead until your elbows are fully extended. Keep the bar balanced and managed. Slowly decrease the bar to the starting position while inhaling and repeat.

Therefore these simple workout exercises are specially designed for the women of 30 years old and above.

These are simple and easy to accomplish. So stay fit in your 30s as well by just following these best workout exercises for women in the 30s.

Diet for Weight Loss:-

Diet for weight loss is depends on person to person it means if there is a person who has good metabolism so he/she will live healthy life as they wants. Here is list of foods which is effectiveness in weight loss

  1. Whole eggs:- Although a high intake of eggs raises the levels of “bad” LDL-cholesterol in some people, they are one of the best foods to eat if you need to lose weight. They are high in protein and fat, and are very satiating.
  2. Salmon:- Fatty fish like salmon is incredibly healthy and very satisfying, keeping you full for many hours with relatively few calories. Salmon is loaded with high-quality protein, healthy fats and various important nutrients. Fish and seafood in general may also supply a significant amount of iodine. 
  3. Boiled Potatoes:- However, they have several properties that make them a perfect food both for weight loss and optimal health. On a scale called the Satiety Index, which measures how filling different foods are, white, boiled potatoes scored the highest of all the foods tested.
  4. Beans and Legumes:- These foods tend to be high in protein and fiber, which are two nutrients that have been shown to lead to satiety. They also tend to contain some resistant starch.
  5. Soups:- Some studies have shown that eating the exact same food turned into a soup rather than as solid food, makes people feel more satiated and eat significantly fewer calories.
  6. Avocados:- While most fruits are high in carbs, avocados are loaded with healthy fats. They’re particularly high in monounsaturated oleic acid, the same type of fat found in olive oil.
  7. Nuts:- Studies have shown that eating nuts can improve metabolic health and even promote weight loss
  8. Whole Grains:- This includes some whole grains that are loaded with fiber and contain a decent amount of protein. Notable examples include oats, brown rice and quinoa.
    Oats are loaded with beta-glucans, soluble fibers that have been shown to increase satiety and improve metabolic health trusted Sou5Trusted Source.
    Both brown and white rice can contain significant amounts of resistant starch, particularly if cooked and then allowed to cool afterward.
  9. Fruit:- Even though they contain natural sugar, they have a low energy density and take a while to chew. Plus, their fiber content helps prevent sugar from being released too quickly into your bloodstream.
  10. Grapefruit:- The grapefruit group also had reduced insulin resistance, a metabolic abnormality that is implicated in various chronic diseases. Therefore, eating half a grapefruit about half an hour before some of your daily meals may help you feel more satiated and eat fewer overall calories.
  11. Chia Seeds:- Because of its high fiber content, chia seeds can absorb up to 11–12 times their weight in water, turning gel-like and expanding in your stomach However, given their nutrient composition, it makes sense that chia seeds could be a useful part of your weight loss diet.

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