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Best Vegetarian Sources of Protein

 A person may try a vegetarian diet for health, animal welfare, or religious reasons. Vegetarian foods can be a great source of protein and contrary to popular belief most plant based sources of protein contain all the essential amino acids.

Best vegetarian Sources of protein

However, many experts agree that a well-planned vegetarian diet can provide you with all the nutrients you need.

if you want to know everything about Protein then you should visit here

Here are the list of some foods that contain a high amount of protein per serving

1. Lentils

Lentils, like beans, are legumes. They’re high-protein, edible pulses that grow in pods. They can be used for soups and stews, salads and side dishes, and feature prominently in Indian cuisine, especially in a dish known as dal.

·         Calories: 230

·         Protein: 17.9 grams

·         Fat: 0.8 grams

·         Fiber: 15.6 grams

Furthermore, the type of fiber found in lentils has been shown to feed the good bacteria in your colon, promoting a healthy gut.

Lentils is one of the Best Vegetarian Sources of Protein

And last but not least lentils may also help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, excess body weight.

2. Green Peas

This green legume is loaded with A,B-1,B-6,C, and a supersized serving of osteoporosis-fighting K. one cup of boiled green peas has 46% of your RDA of vitamin K-1, which is known for clotting the blood to prevent from major injuries.

A ½ cup serving of green peas (about a handful) contains:

·         Calories: 59

·         Protein: 4 gams

·         Carbohydrates: 12 grams

·         Iron: 1 mg

It’s time to reconsider this vitamin powerhouse. Give peas a chance

Peas is one of the Best Vegetarian Sources of Protein

3. Soy Milk

Soy milk is a plant based non-dairy beverage, often consumed as an alternative to milk. It has the many minerals such as Vitamin-D and Calcium

·         Calories: 100

·         Protein: 7g

·         Total Sugar: 6g

·         Added Sugar: 5g

Soymilk is one of the Best Vegetarian Sources of Protein

4. Wild Rice

Wild rice is a wonderfully balanced food source, providing a healthy mix of protein and fiber. What’s more, it’s also relatively low in calories.

One micronutrient abundant in wild rice is Manganese which is an antioxidant, and plays a role in keeping the mitochondria in your cells healthy.

·         4 gram protein in 100 gram of wild rice

Wild rice is one of the best vegetarian source of protein

5. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds provide insoluble fiber which keeps you fuller longer and bulks up stool to prevent constipation.

 They also deliver healthy fats, protein and cell-protecting antioxidants.

A 50 gram of chia seeds contains:

·         Calories: 245

·         Fat: 15.38 gram

·         Carbs: 21.92 gram

·         Protein: 7.81 gram

Chia seeds is one of the best source of protein

6. Hempseed

Although hemp seeds come from the Cannabis sativa plant, they do not produce a mind-altering effect.

These small, brown seeds are rich in protein, fiber, and healthful fatty acids, including omega-3s and omega-6s.

They have antioxidant effects and may reduce symptoms of numerous ailments, improving the health of the heart, skin, and joints

A 100 gram of Hempseed contains:

·         Calories: 553

·         Protein: 32 gram

·         Total Fat: 49 gram

·         Total Carbohydrate: 8.7 gram

Hempseed for protein

7. Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is a great source of vitamins and minerals. It also contains all nine essential amino acids.

The fiber in nutritional yeast, beta-glycan may reduce cholesterol levels.

 It also contains chromium which helps to regulate your blood sugar and a good level of blood sugar and cholesterol levels lower your risk for diabetes and heart disease.

A 2tb. Spoon serving of nutritional yeast contains:

·         Calories: 50

·         Protein: 8 grams

·         Fat: 1 gram

·         Carbohydrates: 5 grams

·         Fiber: 4 grams

8. Tofu

It contains valuable plant source of iron and calcium and the minerals manganese and phosphorous it also contains magnesium, copper, zinc, Vitami-B1 and all the nine essential amino acids.

A 50 gram of tofu contains:

·         Calories: 50 gram

·         Total Fat: 1.35 gram

·         Carbohydrates: 1.2 gram

·         Protein: 3.45 gram

tofu is one of the Best Vegetarian Sources of Protein

9. Seitan

It’s made from gluten, the main protein in wheat. Unlike many soy-based mock meats, it resembles the look and texture of meat when cooked.

It is a good source of selenium and contains small amounts of iron, calcium and phosphorous.

·         A 100 grams of seitan contains 25 grams of protein

Seitan is one of the Best Vegetarian Sources of Protein

10. Spelt

Spelt is an ancient grain that is a subspecies of wheat.

 Spelt and wheat are similar in terms of appearance, but spelt   has a stronger husk and slightly different nutritional content.

It is an excellent source of carbs. And dietary fiber.

·         Calories: 246

·         Protein: 10.67 gram

·         Carbohydrates: 51.29 gram

spelt is one of the Best vegetarian Sources of protein

11. Teff

It’s an excellent source of protein, boosting all the essential amino acids, which are the building block of protein in your body it’s particularly high in lysine, an amino acid that’s often lacking in other grains

·         9.8 gram of protein per cup

Teff is one of the Best Vegetarian Sources of Protein


It's not necessary that for person to full-fill there protein requirements only from non-veg that's why here are some list of foods which will help you to get enough protein 

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